The neon-lit, over-crowded station was a hive of activity as UGO and Scratch slithered through the throngs, the headlines of the digital newspapers blaring out the latest crypto market news. “Retail is back after 23% pump," they read. “Just like 2023” UGO said to himself. The two glitches had a mission, to catch the 9:09 train to the land of The Dead Ventures, where they were to be given intel about the wise and powerful Hafftka. With nothing but a couple of Gwei for gas in their Metamask and the promise of being taught the secret of shapeshifting, a power that could help them evade the army of malware deployed by the tyrannical Professor Sharpness forever, they had to move fast. The clock was ticking and they only had one chance to pull this off.
As they approached the platform, they could see the malware troopers searching, their eyes scanning the crowds for their quarry. 9:08 UGO and Scratch knew they had to act now, and so they wrapped themselves in a cocoon of code, becoming WUGO and WScratch. They blended in with the crowd and made their way onto their only escape route. But time was running out, and as they boarded the train, they knew they couldn't remain wrapped for long. They had to unwrap before they ran out of liquidity and were trapped forever. The doors closed, but something was amiss. Had the guards at the station been alerted and stopped the train? WUGO and WScratch waited in anguish, knowing that if they didn't unwrap soon, they would remain trapped in their cocoon forever. With no other choice, they decided to take the risk and unwrapped themselves, revealing their true forms. The malware troopers spotted them and began to run towards the train. Just as the troopers were about to reach the platform, the doors closed. The train began to move with a hiss that brought back life to their bones and a sense of relief to our daring heroes. This had been a close one.
They were now on their way to the land of The Dead Ventures, a place where they hoped to find more information about Hafftka and his shapeshifting powers. But the adventure was far from over, as they were about to enter a dark and dangerous world, where scammers usually get away with it and over-leverage is a national sport. They had to be extra careful, not all the information provided in this land of deception would be true, our heroes would have to choose what to believe.